Sunday, October 14, 2012

Skid Row Experience

My experience in LA was amazing, and I was so happy for having the opportunity to go. Prior to leaving, I honestly felt scared about going and was nervous for what the day had in store. My roommate and I shared our thoughts the night before and we both didn't sleep well because we were so anxious for our first trip with the nursing school. It definitely turned out to be much better than I expected.

Upon arrival I could see all the parents and children waiting on sidewalks as I glanced out the bus window. It caught me off guard to see how many people were up that early just to receive a free pair of shoes, school supplies, and clothes. That initially brought me to the realization that these people were in desperate need for my help. This changed my whole outlook on why I was there and it instantly relieved the anxiety and stress I was previously feeling.

As the group of us stepped out of the buses and began heading to where the event was taking place, I was very eager to start helping. I felt like I had potential to make a difference in at least one person's life and I was so excited to meet all of the children. Before the actual hand-out started, I was picked to help organize the infant/toddler clothing and pack small bags of hygiene materials that were to be given to each child. I could remember how some of us were "awe-ing" at how cute the newborns clothes were; we were all in such great attitudes and it was so nice bonding with fellow nursing students.

When everyone was allowed to start making their way down the tents, I got the opportunity to pass out hats to the little ones. The smiles on their faces were indescribable and I can remember feeling so much joy after simply giving each child a hat. They all were so happy for the smallest gifts, and it made me step back and realize how selfish I was as an individual. I complain about so many useless things and take too much for granted. At that moment I knew this trip made an impact, and I will never forget it because it shifted my paradigm on what I personally valued in life.

This trip was so much more than I thought it was going to be and I am thankful God allowed me to see how blessed I am because of him. He used this opportunity to my best benefit and also showed me how helping a little can make a huge difference. Even though there were points in the day where I was tired and frustrated, overall it was a great way to start off nursing. I can't think of any other way than selflessly helping people and sacrificing our time to care for those in need to begin a great year.