Friday, September 21, 2012

Procrastination/Time Management

Hey everyone,

Managing your time can definitely be a hard task, as well as trying not to procrastinate when deadlines seem to be out in the distance. Both come hand-in-hand together; if you manage your time well, you usually don't have the problem of procrasting. However, not all of us have this down. I use to procrastinate frequently, to the point where I would be completing all my assignments literally the night before they were due. I would use a lot of my time to socialize with my friends or honestly just being lazy and trying not to miss my favorite T.V. shows. Luckily, I have learned to change my ways from previous failed procrastinating attempts, and now do not have the problem of extreme stress the night before an important exam or due date.

It's all about prioritizing. When I realized what things were important and which ones weren't, it was an eye-opener. This simple thing does and did make a difference in the way I manage my time; ultimately kicking procrastination out the door. There are temporary satisfactions and pernament satisfactions. This comes off silly, but really this is the key. Going out to a movie or game with friends sounds like a great time, but it results in a temporary satisfaction. Yes it was fun, but only for that night. In contrast, a pernament satisfaction could be recieving an A on that final you thought could be the death of you; which not only affects the now, but the future as well. Understanding which things fell under temporary or pernament satisfactions really shaped the way I look at academics. I'm not saying that temporary is always a bad thing, but comparing it to something considered pernament can help out in making the right decision.

Hope the tip helped or possibly opened up a new viewpoint of managing time.

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